* Abhijeet Kini www.abhijeetkini.com http://www.artyears.com/memberarea/abhijeet.html and http://www.artyears.com/memberarea/pom/abhijeet.html

* Alexyz (Alex Raphael Fernandes), cartoonist in Goa. Author of a book on sports cartoons. Add: Near SFX High School, Siolim, Bardez Goa India.

* Felix Martires felixfoo@hotmail.com Cartoonist from Goa, based in the Gulf. Sr. Designer for NFPC (National Food Products Co.) Abu Dhabi, heading their Graphic Division. Felix E. Martires ttp://www.artyears.com/memberarea/felix.html Phone: 00971-2-5588617 Email: felixfoo@hotmail.com Along with our batchmates from the Goa College of Art, we also maintain a website www.artyears.com with links to like minded professionals.

* Dr. Jayadev Babu Sajja http://www.artyears.com/memberarea/jayadev.html http://www.artyears.com/memberarea/pom/jayadev.html

* Rajneesh Kapoor rajneeshk@vsnl.net

* Sharad Sharma, cartoonist in Delhi, known for his work to take cartooning to the common(wo)man. trucktoon@yahoo.com , phone+91-9811702925, http://www.sharadji.blogspot.com

* World Comics India, promting comics among all. Email: mail@worldcomicsindia.com , phone:011-22795015, http://www.worldcomicsindia.com

* Other cartoonists/animators: http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/ronferdinand.html http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/yeagle.html http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/jerryKing.html http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/nancy.html http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/Bazley.html http://www.artyears.com/exclusive/revilo.html

CartoonistsInIndia (zuletzt geändert am 2009-12-09 15:27:19 durch Wincable-55-230)