Welcome on WikiWikiWeb.de
{en} You have reached the pages of a german wiki hosting service. If you speak german, please continue reading on StartSeite.
{de} Sie haben die Seiten eines deutschen Wiki-Hosting-Service erreicht - bitte lesen Sie auf StartSeite weiter.
If you don't speak german, read on...
To try out WikiWikiWeb technology, you may play around in the WikiSandBox.
You also may make some new pages for testing purposes without asking us before. But in that case, we may (and will) remove these pages short term and without asking if they do not belong to one of the wikis / topics officially hosted here (see list at bottom of StartSeite). For creating permanent content you have to contact us.
In short words:
you have to ask before creating new wikis or completely new topics
your topic / content is legal (without doubts)
you may get a free wiki / free wiki pages if you meet these requirements:
- your topic is of broad general public interest and utility
- your topic is non-commercial, non-profit
- you are willing to put lots of time/work into making your wiki successful, including doing publicity work.
- you write in english or german language (otherwise we can't verify, sorry!)
the exact requirements are specified on page FreeWiki (in german).
you may get a paid wiki:
- prices start from 10 EUR monthly for non-commercial wikis
- prices start from 40 EUR monthly for commercial wikis
exact pricing information is specified on page UnserAngebot (in german)
If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Our email and postal address is here or just leave a message on the page of ThomasWaldmann.