Keep in mind that this is not a public wiki for arbitrary use.

You can use it for initial testing, but please, if you are finished with testing, remove your content again.

If you need a wiki, please contact me via email.

-- ThomasWaldmann 2003-09-02 15:09:19

Hi Thomas, I send e-mail for you... this e-mail is correct?

-- FabianoRighetti

Yes, will answer soon. -- ThomasWaldmann 2003-09-04 14:41:06

Ok! Thanks.

-- FabianoRighetti 2025-03-12 07:40:22

Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuidos - Terceiro Bimestre

Switching de Enlace

LANs IEEE 802.11


Network Layer (Camada de Rede) -> Roteamento -> Datagrama -> Pacote

RCSDTerceiro (zuletzt geändert am 2007-11-01 17:25:07 durch localhost)